
FOCUS: Southern Border and Sierra trapped in the middle of relentless terror

Civil society organizations in Chiapas joined their voices to highlight and demand that the situation of violence that has been experienced since 2021 in the border and mountain region of the state be recognized and addressed,

LATEST: Human Rights – Pending agenda for candidates for the 2024 elections

In September, the National Peace Dialogue was held in Puebla, after talks and Justice and Security Forums were held in the states in which more than 18 thousand people participated in the last ten months.

ARTICLE: Spinning Alternatives with Children and Adolescents in Chiapas

In August, the Forum “Spinning Alternatives with the Children of Chiapas” was held in San Cristobal de Las Casas, convened by Melel Xojobal, the Network for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (REDIAS) and Slamalil Kinal.

FOCUS: Forced Displacement: Global Crisis, National Incapacity

Every June 20th, World Refugee Day is celebrated, in a context in which, according to data provided by the United Nations (UN), twenty-four individuals leave their homes every minute, escaping war conflicts, persecutions or horror situations.

LATEST: Mexico, Continued Insecurity

In June, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) recognized that during his government recorded homicides have exceeded those of previous administrations. In 2019, 34,690 murders were recorded, in 2020, 34,554, in 2021, 33,308 and in 2022, 30,968, while in the first quarter of 2023 there were 9,912, an average of 83 per day.

ARTICLE: Vanishing Points – Women against Violence and in Defense of their Land and Territory

The panorama of violence in Chiapas and its various elements of complexity have been placed in public view in an alarming manner in recent months despite being present for decades (if not centuries).

FOCUS: Violence, a high tide on a full moon in Chiapas

If we have the chance to see some documentary that shows us images of the decades of the '60s and '70s in Chiapas, it is not difficult for us to stop thinking that those same takes could have been filmed today. More than 50 years after those original takes, in many regions of the state, the clock has stopped. But more than time, justice.

FOCUS: Youth in Mexico – an approach to their perspectives and opinions

According to the United Nations Youth Strategy Report (2020), the world is home to the largest generation of young people in history with 1.8 billion people, of which about 90% live in developing countries. In Mexico there are 30.7 million young people, that is, 24.6% of the total population.