– LATEST: Mexico – Overwhelming Victory of “Together We Will Make History” Coalition in the Elections of July 1st
– FOCUS: The tragedy of forced internal displacement in Mexico – one of the pending issues for the new government
– ARTICLE: Sowing positions for self-determination – the peoples of Chiapas in their struggle for autonomy, the experiences of Chilon and Sitala
– SIPAZ Activities (Mid-May to mid-August 2018)


LATEST: Mexico – Overwhelming Victory of “Together We Will Make History” Coalition in the Elections of July 1st

In Mexico, historic elections took place on July 1st which included a record number of political races: 18,311 public offices on the federal, state, and municipal level. Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), candidate for the coalition “Together we Will Make History” formed by the National Regeneration Movement (MORENA), Labor Party (PT), and the Social Encounter Party (PES), was elected president of the Republic by a margin never seen before in Mexico: he won 53% of the vote.

FOCUS: The tragedy of forced internal displacement in Mexico – one of the pending issues for the new government

The year 2017 ended in Mexico with dramatic figures in terms of forced displacement due to violence. Never before, since the armed conflict of 1994, have such worrying figures been reached in states like Chiapas.

ARTICLE: Sowing positions for self-determination – the peoples of Chiapas in their struggle for autonomy, the experiences of Chilon and Sitala

In a pluricultural state such as Chiapas, home to the largest diversity of indigenous peoples in Mexico, the struggle for the right to self-determination and autonomy of the people is a historical struggle, which was articulated as one of the central demands of the Zapatistas in the San Andres Accords on indigenous rights and culture in the nineties.