– LATEST: Concern over Ongoing Militarization in Mexico
– FOCUS: Megaprojects in the Mexican Southeast; Resistance of the Original Peoples in Defense of Territory and Life
– ARTICLE: Disappearance – indelible trace of absence, tireless search. Seed of struggle, brotherhood and memory
– SIPAZ Activities (mid-February to mid-May 2023)


ARTICLE: Disappearance – indelible trace of absence, tireless search. Seed of struggle, brotherhood and memory

To disappear, is it a verb that can be applied to people? Thinking logically, the answer would be no, at least not beyond the realm of illusion and magic. Nevertheless, reality has surpassed the unimaginable.

FOCUS: Megaprojects in the Mexican Southeast; Resistance of the Original Peoples in Defense of Territory and Life

El Sur Resiste (The South Resists) is a movement that unites different organizations and people from the southern and southeastern states of Mexico (mainly from the National Indigenous Congress - CNI), who fight against megaprojects.